Youth Committee

The Youth Committee is made up of young people from the following repopulated communities in Chalatenango, El Salvador: Higueral, Las Vueltas, Las Minas, Guarjila, Guancora and Arcatao.

As a critical part of Surviving Memory in Postwar El Salvador’s governance structure, the committee actively participates in the project by acting as facilitators in research workshops and also by providing their perspective as young people born at the end of or after the armed conflict in El Salvador. 

Members of the Youth Committee have collaborated on the following community book projects: 

-Experiencias y memorias de Arcatao (vol. 1) [Experiences and Memories of Arcatao]. Co-edited by Adriana Alas, Marisol Zarceño, Felipe Quintanilla and the Historical Memory Committee of Arcatao Survivors (MUPI 2024).

-Chalatenango luz y sombra: fotografías de Ralph Sprenkels y memorias de las comunidades repobladas [Chalatenango Light and Shadow: Photographs by Ralph Sprenkels and Memories of the Repopulated Communities]. Co-edited by Adriana Alas, Lidice Michelle Melara Minero and Irina Carlota -Lotti- Silber (MUPI 2024)-

-Fotografías e historia de la comunidad de El Higueral: del pueblo para el pueblo [Photographs and History of the Community of El Higueral: From the People for the People] (preliminary title). Co-edited by Adriana Alas, Amanda Grzyb and the Comité de Investigación de la comunidad de El Higueral [Community Research Committee of El Higueral], (in progress).

-Rostros de la memoria [Faces of Memory]. Co-edited by Casa Museo Jon Cortina, Adriana Alas, and Lidice Michelle Melara Minero, (in progress)]. 

The committee has also supported the Women’s Committee newsletter series, Historias de mujeres escritas por y para mujeres [Stories of Women, Written by and for Women] and helped  curate the exhibition “Construir recuerdos: Una mirada al archivo fotográfico de Ralph Sprenkels” [Building Memories: A Look at Ralph Sprenkels’ Photographic Archive]. They are currently working on the PhotoVoice project magazine. 

Finally, they have participated in the following capacity-building and training workshops: “StoryMaps Methodology Training”, “Taller de estrategias y herramientas psicosociales para el acompañamiento en situación de crisis durante el desarrollo de entrevistas”, “Taller de técnicas decoloniales de entrevista”, “Taller de formación comunitaria en Fotovoz”, and “Herramientas para desarrollar una curaduría comunitaria”

Committee Members

Adriana Alas (coordinator)
Ana Chavarría
Carlos Chacón
Eymi Calderón
Fran Mejía
Marvin Ramos
Meilyn Leiva
Meylin Navarrete

Heidi Calderón
Beatriz Mancía
Katherine Menjívar
Milka Torres
Nilcer Melgar
Edith Cruz
Sandra Alas
Yamileth Avelar