Photo: Shawn Robertson

Vladimir Pacheco Cueva

Vladimir Pacheco is an associate professor in governance and coordinator of the International Studies program at the Department of Global Studies in the School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark. His current research interests include analyzing the governance mechanisms, economic policy prescriptions and socio-economic impacts of resource extraction in Latin America and beyond. Before this position, Pacheco held senior roles in Australia with the Foundation for Development Cooperation, the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining and the consulting firm WorleyParsons. His latest report is the result of a research project co-produced with environmental NGOs in El Salvador and it is titled “Alternativas económicas a la minería metálica en El Salvador: una mirada al departamento de Cabañas a la luz de los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible” [Economic Alternatives to Metal Mining in El Salvador: A Look at the Department of Cabañas in Light of Sustainable Development Goals].

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