Photo: Shawn Robertson

Pedro Cabezas

Pedro Cabezas is the regional coordinator of the mining and human rights program of the Asociación para el Desarrollo de El Salvador [Association for the Development of El Salvador, CRIPDES]. He is also the coordinator of the Alianza Centroamericana frente a la Minería [Central American Alliance Against Mining, ACAFREMIN], a regional coalition of organizations and communities affected by mining projects. He studied Political Science at the University of Toronto, Canada, and has more than 20 years of experience as a labour, mental health and environmental justice activist. In 2013, Cabezas joined the environmental movement in El Salvador, where he played a key role in coordinating international actions to demand the prohibition of mining. Since the mining ban in the country in 2017, he has worked to strengthen regional exchange and collaboration among organizations and environmental movements in the Central American region.

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