Patricia Yoliveth Rivera
Patricia Yoliveth Rivera Hernández was born in the Mesa Grande refugee camp in Honduras, along with her twin brother, Armando. When she was six years old, her family decided to return to El Salvador after more than eight years in exile due to the armed conflict. The return changed the lives of her entire family as her parents decided not to return to their birthplace but to settle in the Zacamil community in Suchitoto, Cuscatlán. Paty, as she is also known, has a degree in Journalism from the University of El Salvador (UES). She worked for three years as a volunteer in Radio Suchitlán. Then, she joined the Presidencia de la República de El Salvador [Office of the President of the Republic of El Salvador] as a journalist at Radio Maya Visión for seven years, while also covering the Asamblea Legislativa [Legislative Assembly], the judicial body, and social sectors as a journalist. In 2014, she began a different adventure in another branch of journalism as head of communications in the Autoridad de Aviación Civil [Civil Aviation Authority] of El Salvador. For 10 years, she has led SANDIVERA, a company dedicated to the creation of promotional products, along with her husband. In 2022, she joined the Centro Arte para la Paz [Centre for Art and P