Óscar Antonio Castillo
Óscar Antonio Castillo is originally from the community of Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador. He is a social worker and a performing arts artist, passionate about community formation processes, intergenerational education, a guardian of memory and a manager of spaces for encounter and healing from the biopsychosocial model. He has been part of different multidisciplinary teams, among which the Asociación Tiempos Nuevos Teatro [New Times Theatre Association] stands out, as a facilitator of artistic formation processes and intergenerational encounters; the Colectivo Memoria y Sanación [Memory and Healing Collective], as a co-facilitator of psychosocial processes and professional support on memory, trauma and emotional management. He has also collaborated with the Asociación Los Angelitos [Little Angels Association] as a social worker and facilitator of participatory mural processes for the promotion and defense of human rights. He currently supports Surviving Memory in Postwar El Salvador from the coordinating committee of the Casa Museo Jon Cortina by developing research, registration, safeguarding and disseminating projects on historical memory through exhibitions, creation of books and educational letters, altars of memory, guided tours in the museum and as moderator of intergenerational meetings and artistic interventions in sociocultural events in the communities.