Nilcer Melgar
She is a social projects coordinator, specialized in cultural management and committed to promoting historical memory, identity and community development from a psychosocial and human rights perspective.
Trained in Social Communication and Social Intervention by the Central American University José Simeón Cañas (UCA), she is currently coordinator of cultural programs at the Asociación Tiempos Nuevos Teatro [New Times Theatre Association, TNT] and at Casa Museo Jon Cortina, where she promotes comprehensive education and psychosocial support through art. Melgar has designed and supported projects aimed at adolescents, young people, women and older adults, integrating methodologies that combine emotional support, community participation and social cohesion.
Her career and line of research has focused on historical memory, integrating museography, intergenerational dialogue, artistic expression and psychosocial intervention.
Committed to social reparation, her work is especially aimed at the repopulated communities in the northeast of Chalatenango impacted by the armed conflict. In 2021, her research “Theatrical performative and its connection with psychosocial processes in the social reparation and dignification of the repopulated communities of northeastern Chalatenango” was recognized as one of the best graduate theses and published in the journal Estudios Centroamericanos (ECA).
Since 2012, Melgar has collaborated in the safeguarding, conservation, dissemination and promotion of the memorial archive of Casa Museo Jon Cortina [Jon Cortina House Museum] in Chalatenango, an institution from which she has been linked to the Surviving MemoryMemoria Sobreviviente project. Her work has been fundamental in coordinating efforts with various organizations in order to strengthen local identity, roots and historical heritage.