Jaime Brenes Reyes
Jaime Brenes was born in Nicaragua and has been living in Canada for half his life. He is committed to raising awareness about social justice issues in the Global North and South, bridging partnerships, connecting people, and exercising the power of listening to others. He has been active in the London community as former president of the Teaching Assistant and Postdoctoral Fellows at Western University, co-founder of the London chapter of Rhythms of Resistance, member of No One is Illegal, and has been invited to public speaking events and campaigns such as Refugees are Welcome. As a founding graduate student member of the Surviving Memory team, Brenes Reyes brought his knowledge of literature to projects that assist the preservation of historical memory through the narratives of the people. He was a critical contributor to the Memoria Viva [Living Memory] community book. He has also published academic articles and reviews on Latin American literature and culture in INTI, Contracorriente, Brumal, and the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts.