Photo: Shawn Robertson

Genaro Guardado

Genaro Guardado Cartagena is originally from La Laguna de San Ramón (Laguna Seca), Las Vueltas, El Salvador. Since 1988, he has lived in Las Limas, San José Las Flores. Guardado is a survivor of many massacres and attacks during the armed conflict, such as the operation in the hamlet of Peñaflor on February 22, 1980, where he was one of the two survivors. On May 31, 1982, a bomb hit his home and, later, the small hospital where he and another group were sheltering. Part of his family was killed in this operation. Guardado also survived the Gualsinga Massacre on August 28, 1984, along with other people. He also managed to survive other attacks and now can share his memories. Guardado has been a key player in the Surviving Memory project. His leadership, availability, commitment, responsibility, and humility have facilitated the recovery and dissemination of the memories of the conflict. He was a member of the Concejo Municipal [Municipal Council] of the former Mayor's Office of San José Las Flores from 2012 to 2018. Keeping the historical memory alive motivates Guardado to collaborate in commemorations, intergenerational meetings, and provide interviews, among other activities. He respects people abroad for their solidarity and support for survivors in the search for justice and the dissemination of the truth.

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