Photo: Shawn Robertson
Eusebio García
Eusebio García was born in Arcatao, Chalatenango, El Salvador, and migrated to Canada in 1986. He has been working for the Quaker Committee for Refugees since 1990, assisting refugees and new immigrants with orientation, guidance, detention issues, paperwork, translation, interpretation, finding shelter and other resettlement services. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Asociación Salvadoreña Canadiense [Salvadoran Canadian Association, ASALCA] and SalvAide. García has also served as president of the Board of Directors for the Centro para Gente de Habla Hispana [Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples, CSSP]; president of the Board of Directors of the La Paz Housing Cooperative; member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Multilingual Literacy Centre; an Advisory Committee member for the Access Alliance Community Health Centre; project consultant for the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC); and project coordinator for Apoyo Mutuo entre Refugiados Centroamericanos [Mutual Support Among Central American Refugees, AMERCT].