Dorothee Mölders

Dorothee Mölders is an adult and community educator and organizer educated in Germany. She was involved in the German solidarity movement in the 80s and 90s, supporting Central American struggles for social justice and liberation from authoritarian and military governments, which was inspired by Latin American liberation theology. When she came to El Salvador in 1991, shortly before the civil war ended, she worked initially with rural communities in Northern Chalatenango, in close relationship with human rights and community organizations, as well as in the Jesuit José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA). Mölders was a co-founder and collaborator of local and German human rights organizations. In recent years, she has worked as an in-country consultant with German and US-based NGOs that support Salvadoran grassroots organizations and social movements on issues such as environmental justice and Indigenous rights. However, she continues to volunteer with local communities and social movements, especially around memory work. Since 1992, she has been collecting information, historical data and testimonies from survivors of the Sumpul Massacre in 1980, which were recently published as a book under the title Memorias del Sumpul [Memories from the Sumpul River] (August 2019). 

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