David Heap

David Heap is an associate professor of French Studies and the Interfaculty Linguistics Program and an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at Western University. His publications in French, Spanish and English, including his 2000 monograph “La variation grammaticale en géolinguistique: les pronoms sujet en roman central” [Grammatical variation in geolinguistics: Subject pronouns in Central Romance], mostly focus on nonstandard morphology and Romance dialectology. His interest in variable pronoun systems in Spanish led him to uncover unpublished dialect fieldwork notebooks from a vast dialect survey project begun during the Spanish Republic (1930-1936). Since 2007, he has been part of an international project, coordinated by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España [Spain’s Scientific Research Council], to publish those materials from the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica [Linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula, ALPI]. In that ongoing internet publication, his responsibilities include the English pages on the project website. In the 1980s, he worked as an interpreter-translator in Central America and with refugees from that region in Canada, and he remains an active volunteer with human rights organizations, where his contributions include proofreading translations in French and Spanish.

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