Daniel Zapata
Daniel Zapata holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Literature from the University of Caldas (Colombia) and a Master’s in Literature from the Pontifical Javeriana University (Colombia). He has approached his life and research from the thought of deconstruction. From there, he has nurtured his desire to understand the world through philosophy, literature, and cultural studies as a possibility to create conversational environments and transform them into knowledge. In 2019, he gave a tour of citizen talks at the Red Distrital de Bibliotecas Públicas de Bogotá [Public Libraries of Bogotá District Network, BIBLORED], with the question “What does being 'macho' mean?” in which he presented his findings from the analysis of the El Espacio newspaper from 1965 to 1975. Currently, he is a PhD student in Hispanic Studies at Western University (Canada) and is developing his thesis on gender ideology in 21st-century Colombia.