Cecilia Pocasangre
Cecilia Margarita Pocasangre, also known as “Ceci,” is the mother of three adult children, a psychologist with a specialty in community psychology, and a bio-dance teacher. She lives in Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador, and has worked with the people of Chalatenango since 2005. In the last 32 years, she has developed experiences in the field of community and clinical psychology to address the effects of war and natural disasters on people. Pocasangre has worked with children and young people in the prevention of psychosocial risks addressing issues in the family, school and community contexts, as well as in the promotion of active citizenship, focusing on children, adolescents and youth as subjects of rights and strategic actors in the country's development. Since 2017 she has accompanied historical memory processes with massacre survivors in Chalatenango, which have been led by the Asociación de Sobrevivientes de la Masacre del Sumpul y Otras Masacres de Chalatenango [Association of Survivors of the Sumpul Massacre and other Massacres of Chalatenango] and the Comité de Memoria Histórica de Arcatao [Historical Memory Committee of Arcatao]. Pocasangre also promoted processes of historical memory with adolescents and young people and intergenerational spaces to share and reflect on the experiences of adults so that adolescents and young people can apply their learning in their personal and community lives. She currently volunteers with the residents of Arcatao to address the problems of substance use disorder, mental health, and historical memory.