Amanda Knowles

Amanda Knowles was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, US. She completed a medical assisting certification program at age 19 and worked in educational and medical outreach programs with the Volta Aid Foundation in Ghana. Then, she worked for 8 years as an aircraft systems engineer. Knowles first came to El Salvador in 2018 as a volunteer for the drinking water and election monitoring programs at the Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad [Center for Exchange and Solidarity]. She finished her Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Political Science in 2020. In 2021, she came to the Centro Arte para la Paz [Centre for Art and Peace, CAP] as a volunteer to help implement its media library program. In 2022, Knowles began working as a consultant for the GLS Group and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. She completed her Master's degree in Global Studies and International Relations with a concentration in Global Health and Development the same year. In 2023, she obtained certifications in "Grant Search" and "Monitoring and Evaluation" (M&E) and was officially hired at CAP to work on the audiovisual and historical memory projects.

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